
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I want to live for Christ. God has given me so much grace and mercy which I'm so undeserving of! I'm so grateful I get to serve such a loving all powerful God! I want to serve God in all I do because he has given me more than I could I ever earn and way more than I deserve! I want to be a missionary so that I can show others how great God is and show them his love, his mercy, his grace, his forgiveness, but mainly his salvation! 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

A goal

I have a goal.... For this next year..... And the next..... And the next...... And for the rest of my life.....
My goal is to fully poor myself into serving others instead of myself. My goal is to live for Christ fully. My goal is to be still and listen to God and give him a chance to talk to me instead of me just talking to him. My goal is to be a light in this world. I want Christ to shine through me. When I get to heaven I want God to say "well done good and faithful servant." Their is a key word in that SERVANT. I want to live my life SERVING others. So my prayer right now is for God to continue showing himself to me, for me to grow closer to God, for me to have more opportunities to serve others, and to let Christ shine through me in every single situation! 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

I'm back from Uganda. I'll write more on Uganda soon I'm still trying to put into words all that happened. While I was gone I was doing my devotions and I read a verse that really stood out to me.          
              Psalms 119:19 "I am a stranger on earth; do not hide your commands from me." 
The part that really stood out to me is the part that says "I am a stranger on earth." I've been praying in my daily prayers this verse because as a Christian I am not of this earth. This earth is temporary..... I don't want to treat it like a home because when your home you get comfortable. As a Christian I don't want to be comfortable! I love the quote that says " life begins at the end of your comfort zone." My goal in life is not to be comfortable but to follow what God wants me to do with my life which brings me to the next part of the verse. The next part says "do not hide your commands from me." I've been praying a lot lately about God leading me where he wants me to go next wreather that be back to Uganda or to China or Mexico or India. If you think about it just pray that God will just show me where to go next! I know God will provide the money and show me where to go in his own perfect timing and I'm learning to trust in him more and more each and every day! 
Side note: I'm planning to write about Uganda soon but here's a picture from my trip! 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Praying for heart break

        I'm praying for my heart to be broken. This may seem weird to pray but its not. I'm praying when I go back to Uganda that my heart will be broken. I'm praying I will love more than ever! I'm expecting heart break on this trip because last time my heart crumbled into a million pieces. Because I'm expecting heart break I don't want to guard my heart I want to break I want to experience the heart ache and culture shock. I want my heart to be vulnerable to breaking. I want to love with every part of my being. When your heart break because you have loved so much it's a life changing feeling! I don't want to get home and say I didn't love those kids and people with every part of my heart! After being so attached to a child and having to leave him in an orphanage not knowing what was going to happen....... it changes you. It broke me..... it changed me........ it showed me how i live a sheltered life. I still wonder what happened to that little boy. I pray each day he's safe and has a loving family. Maybe one day I'll find out what happened to that little boy that stole my heart and changed my life forever but thats the thing i don't know! If it comes to your mind please pray for me as I am returning to Uganda and especially pray for my heart to break!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

fully trusting in God

John 9:2-3

His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.

   I was reading my bible this evening and these verses really stood out to me. The reason is that a lot of times people tend to think something is wrong with them because God is upset with something they did. In reality sometimes its just God using there life to bring others to him or to bring them closer to him. In most situations people won't see the good that came out of it until afterwards. When things happen to me I would like to start trying to trust more in God and realize this is in his hands not mine. I want to fully rely on God in every aspect in my life and thats when your faith really goes into action when you fully trust in God. I admit a lot of times I want to be in control and know WHY something is happening. This year I'm trying to challenge my self to rely more on God and less on myself and to just let go and let God take over. This can seem so scary....... but in reality we should be scared not to let God be fully in control of our lives because his plans for our lives our so much better than we can ever imagine. I hope to stop asking why something happened and instead ask how can I use my situation to honor God. Just step back and let God catch you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Do something

Orphans, poverty, starvation................................. These are things that no one wants to talk about. Their are 153 million children that don't have parents. at least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day. over 3 billion people live on less than $2.50. Each year 2.6 million children die because of starvation. These things are preventable so why are they still happening? As Christians we need to step up and do something!!!!! Lots of people just say why can't someone else do it. In reality though if every one says this no one will do anything. God tells in the bible it is our job as Christians to help the poor, starving, and orphaned. Did you know that if only 7% of Christians would adopt the orphan crisis would be ended? Did you know every 18 seconds another child becomes an orphan? These statistics didn't affect me until I met the faces behind the statistics. Once you know their stories and names their is no going back. once you see people in true poverty begging in the middle of the street. Once you see children and people starving their is no going back. once you see these things the numbers turn into faces. Once you see faces instead of numbers ignoring the situation is impossible. I can't ignore the statistics any more. I want to make a difference. Even if I can only change the life of one person. I want to do something about these things.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Getting rid of the American dream

I don't want to live the American dream I want more I want to live Gods dream for my life! The American dream is go to a good college, get a job that makes good money, get married, have kids, have a couple cars, and a nice house. I want more. I want Gods plan for my life rather that be moving to Uganda or some other foreign country or even staying here it just means I don't want a normal life. If I have a normal life I will have failed. The reason I will have failed it will mean I have not done every thing I can do for God. As a Christian you can't have a normal life because every thing in your life should be about living for God and bringing people to Christ. As Christians we have so many opportunies to make a difference. It is easy to fall into a normal lifestyle and want to be comfortable but it's not right. It's so easy to want a normal life but Christians need to break out of that mold. We need to be MORE than the American dream. We should be honored God has chosen us for his dream for us! Katie Davis say "  I am blown away that my God who could do this all by himself, would choose to let me be a little part of it." We should be honored not to live the American dream because Katie Davis is 100% right God could do this ALL by himself. He doesn't need us...... But he allows us to live his dream for us. In the end the choice is ours though Gods dream or our dream. In the end when I look back on life I want go say I lived Gods dream. Gods dream and our dream can't even compare because Gods dream is so much better because he knows what's best for us and has our well being in mind. I DON'T want the American dream.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Perfection is my enemy........

Perfection is my enemy.......
Everybody wants to be perfect. Everybody wants to be pretty to be skinny that is what Americans are calling perfection. That's why perfection is my enemy. I don't want to fit into a mold. I don't want to be like everyone else. I don't want to be a magazines version of perfection. I want to strive to be me to be the perfect me God designed and made. In psalm 134:14 it says " I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Many times we forget that and think why can't I be like them, look like them, or act like them. In reality no one is perfect except Jesus Christ. Why can't we change the definition of perfection to being beautiful on the inside not the outside? 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


These are a few of my favorite things....



Thursday, February 19, 2015


"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all" ~ Helen Keller

Live life to the fullest. We cannot always be scared to live life. Life was meant to be lived.

"Life begins outside your comfort zone"

It can be scary to step outside your comfort zone. Everyones fears are different. For some people it heights, spiders, traveling, being embarrassed but the one thing almost everyone is afraid of is of failing.

"Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up" ~ Chinese proverb

If you don't try you never succeed. The fear of failing can stop you from succeeding.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Once again I have waited over a month to blog. I'm so so so very sorry about that and I hope to do better this year :) Happy new year every one I hope you had a happy new year and a very merry Christmas! I know that I did. Life has been busy I've been playing basketball, taking ballroom dancing and working on returning to Uganda hopefully in the very near future.